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It is Financial Planning Week

This year’s 21st edition of Financial Planning Week runs from 4 – 9 October 2021 and World Financial Planning Day is happening on Wednesday 6 October.

Every year, the Financial Planning Association celebrates Financial Planning Week, to remind Australians about the benefits of financial planning.

As part of 2021’s Financial Planning Week campaign, the FPA has commissioned new research, the FPA Money & Life Tracker: Freedom edition examining the money and life issues of Australians 18 months into the pandemic.

The research reveals that around a third of Australians had their income or ability to work affected by lockdowns, and that almost a fifth of Australians did not have enough in savings to support themselves through that period. However, it also highlights that many Australians have used the pandemic to reconsider their finances – spending and saving habits, budgeting and planning – and have an appetite to make changes.

Download the FPA Money & Life Tracker: Freedom edition research report HERE.

Financial Planning Week is the perfect time for you to take positive steps toward controlling your financial wellbeing – now and into the future.

For an initial consultation with us, please get in touch to book a consultation.


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