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Scrimp and SAVE September

What’s your spending style? Are you an Over Spender? Perhaps you are more of a Sporadic Splurger? Many confess they have Never done a Budget? And most won’t admit it but they like to try and Keep up with the Jones’?


Whatever your style you probably know that you could save more. So why not put it to the test this September in our inaugural Scrimp and Save September.

Based on the concepts of Dry July, Feb Fast, Movember and other great initiatives, this cause allows you to do great things for yourself which in turn will achieve great things for others!

The aim of Scrimp and Save is to go without the ‘wants’ for the month of September and just focus on your needs. What is the difference between a want and a need?

Needs are those things we really can’t do without – food, shelter, clothing (within reason), heating, electricity etc.

Wants are the nice things in life – going out to dinner, shopping for a new outfit, buying breakfast and lunch each day….. they are nice to have but not essential to our lives.

As we lead busy lifestyles, busy people tend to trade time for money – ie I don’t have time to pack a healthy lunch so I will buy my lunch each day. I am late so I will just catch a cab. Spending and more spending.

You do need to plan to save. It doesn’t come naturally to most. So start simple - write a shopping list if you are going to choose to bring your lunch to work for the month.

Now I am also not saying go without all nice things. In my house, I get to Friday night and refuse to cook so ordering takeaway becomes a need. For me, I will choose to do that only once a weekend (as sometimes I have been known to do that Friday, Saturday and Sunday night!!). Scrimp and Save is about making some sacrifices and being conscious about decisions with your money.

The aim is to save 10-20% of your income in the month of September. This will vary for each of us.

These savings will come in handy with Christmas just 12 weeks away. We also believe good habits are formed after 3 weeks so if you can make it through the month, you may just surprise yourself and your bank balance by achieving more than you had dreamed!

As additional incentive, Amplify Wealth will donate 10% of our savings to charity – we have chosen YoungCare. We would love to include a percentage based on your total savings too. Let’s hold each other accountable.

Let’s create some good habits, build our savings accounts and feel good about living within our means. After all building wealth starts with spending less than you earn!

You can do this!

Follow us on Instagram and facebook to keep motivated during September!

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